» Download Master the Civil Service Exams Peterson 9780768943139 Books
Chandra Tran on Thursday, May 23, 2019
Download Master the Civil Service Exams Peterson 9780768943139 Books

Product details - Paperback 453 pages
- Publisher Peterson's; 6 edition (January 8, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0768943132

Master the Civil Service Exams Peterson 9780768943139 Books Reviews
- I've been looking for this book in all of the libraries and had to drive 45 minutes to find the 5th edition of this book by Shannon R Turlington for my son to study to take his test based off of the material in this book. IT'S THE EXACT SAME BOOK PAGE FOR PAGE! Publisher is Peterson just dropped the name Shannon R Turlington. Hope this helps....
- I am applying for a job at the City of Dallas and am scheduled to take their civil service test soon. I bought the book because I failed a civil service test several years ago. This book has the same format of questions so I’m looking forward to seeing how it helps me. So far, it has proven to be extremely helpful and I am confident with more practice tests it will take away some test anxiety.
- These books were obviously rushed out without care or editing. First of all, the two books like this (different authors, different covers) are just the same book essentially in a different order. Don't waste your money. And both have many typos, grammatical errors (hard to learn grammar from a series of questions where typos and errors from editing are mixed in with the errors you are supposed to look for). It's probably still the best option for this type of thing - at least that I found - but the quality control is very low.
- I bought this book as a gift for my son. He improved his scores on the exam by 15 points with a week of studying. I'm not sure how great the book is but it did give him a push in the right direction.
- As I'm studying for exams through this book, I keep finding typos or errors that often confuse me/make me lose my train of thought. At the end of the practice tests, for each question, there is a paragraph that goes into detail as to why a certain answer is correct and why the others are incorrect. It is supposed to correspond with the multiple choice answers. For instance, if you mark choice "A" as being correct, the answer key is supposed to tell you "'A' is the correct answer because..." However, I'm finding that the actual correct answers don't correspond to the ones given on the answer key.
For example, in the diagnostic test, you're given a problem to solve (Based on a table/chart) What percentage of the total number of tickets written were moving violations? A) 6.8% B) 10% C) 12.4% D) 14.6%...
The actual, correct answer to this problem was 6.8%, or "A" on the exam... whereas on the answer key and explanations page, it would state The correct answer is D. Add the total number of tickets written and divide by the number of moving violation tickets 5+14+16+31+42+8+1+4+1=117. 8/117*100 = 6.8%.
So it's confusing because you'd answer the problem correctly but look on the answer page where you would confirm that the answer was correct based on the explanation but, the discrepancy would be between the multiple choice choices.
I'm giving this book an unfavorable review because 1) These small errors are annoying when trying to study for the exam 2) I accidentally bought this 5th edition without realizing that I own the 4th edition, which was also very poorly written 3) The explanations given in this edition (as well as the 4th edition) are not helpful and feel subjective because the author doesn't go into depth as to why certain answers are correct and certain answers are not.
Further, this book is almost identical to the previous edition. The same sample tests, the same explanations to problems. The only noticeable difference is the addition of the diagnostic test in the beginning of the book has replaced the resume/cover letter stuff from the previous edition. I'm not sure how the Kaplan books for the civil service exams compare but, I definitely would not recommend these books published by Peterson's. - Super helpful for the civil service test! I went into the test knowing exactly what to expect and scores top 5 candidates.
- This book basically was my test verbatim which was weird but extremely helpful
- Thank you.