Read Online What to Do When You Worry Too Much A Kid Guide to Overcoming Anxiety WhattoDo Guides for Kids Dawn Huebner Bonnie Matthews 8601400823972 Books

By Chandra Tran on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Read Online What to Do When You Worry Too Much A Kid Guide to Overcoming Anxiety WhattoDo Guides for Kids Dawn Huebner Bonnie Matthews 8601400823972 Books

Product details

  • Age Range 6 - 12 years
  • Grade Level 1 - 7
  • Series What-to-Do Guides for Kids
  • Paperback 80 pages
  • Publisher Magination Press; 1 edition (September 15, 2005)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781591473145
  • ISBN-13 978-1591473145
  • ASIN 1591473144

What to Do When You Worry Too Much A Kid Guide to Overcoming Anxiety WhattoDo Guides for Kids Dawn Huebner Bonnie Matthews 8601400823972 Books Reviews

  • The book arrived on time, in excellent condition, and looks exactly as pictured. It is an 80 page black and white workbook. I bought it for my 13 year old cousin who was having such severe anxiety about school, despite being a straight A student, that she had started missing classes. With her and her mom's permission, I have uploaded some of the pages to give you a glimpse into the types of activities that the book offers. It really has helped her out immensely by giving her tools to learn how to cope. I also recommended this book to a friend, and her son is doing much better. I strongly recommend this workbook for anyone that is dealing with anxiety! Buy it!
  • Every kid should read this book. Not just one's that "worry". The specific techniques it teaches are brilliant. And, it's not just good for kids. It's the same skills adults need. After reading this book to my daughter, I still use the "15 minutes to worry in the morning" trick and it really has helped. She is in 1st grade (age 7) and this has been truly wonderful. We bought three (worry, grumble, and anger) and loved all of them. I can't pick one over the other and now my daughter wants the one on bad habits. She doesn't even have any bad habits but I am going to get it because I am sure it's going to help... her, and me. -)
    At our house we have "library" quality books which means it's a great story but we don't need to own it in our home. And then we have "purchase" books for things we want to go back to over and over. This is an "own it" book.
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  • We received this book today and worked all the way through it this evening. My 8 year old daughter has been struggling with worry and anxiety and feeling bad about her thoughts. As we were reading through I could see the lightbulb going off and the weight lifting from her shoulders. Not only was it validating the things we have been trying to tell her but it showed her she is not alone and it is "normal" to feel the way she is feeling compared to other kids with anxiety. She read the whole thing out loud to me and would stop and relate to so many things. The worry box and worry time were the most helpful. Also, the analogies relating worry to a plant. Really a great tool to help the anxious child (and her anxious parent worrying about her). So glad I found a recommendation for this book on a message board!
  • My son has always been a worrier, but he became totally consumed with thinking about death this summer. From the instant he woke up to the time he lay awake in bed at night, unable to sleep, and even in his dreams, he worried about it and wanted to discuss it, obsessively. Discussion did not help. Answering his questions logically did not help. We took the YouTube app off the iPad because he could not stop himself from looking up videos about death. At his doctor's recommendation we got this workbook. It taught him a strategy of stopping his worries by putting them in a virtual box and telling himself he would worry about them at his designated "worry time" -- say, 6 p.m., when he and I would talk about them for 15 minutes if needed. I was skeptical but we gave it a try. The first few days it was hard to stop the thoughts, but soon he was able to "save them up" for discussion later, and after a few more days he started telling me he did not need the worry time any more. After many weeks of his worrying consuming both our lives, this was an amazing help. We've used the strategy a few times successfully since then when something bothers him.
  • This book has been amazing for my 8 year old daughter who suffers with extreme anxiety 😥 She actually looks forward to the nights we spend together working through her feelings. Not only that, me,as her parent, suffers from anxiety as well,and I have also found comfort in this book. I highly recommend!
  • This is a truly wonderful book for kids with anxiety. It was recommended to us by a child psychiatrist friend of mine. My 6 (now 7) year old was struggling with a fear of vomiting for more than a year, to varying degrees. Our family life was becoming strained and we were frustrated that we couldn't figure out how to help her.

    This book changed everything for us. We read it with her and she enjoyed reading it and completing the activities. She has really embraced the strategies described in the book and she even described her proudest moment as when "she learned to beat the worries." We noticed a difference in the level of worry in less than two weeks. After about 3 months, the severity of her anxiety was reduced to less than 20% of its original presentation. She still has her ups and downs, but overall, the anxiety level is very manageable and does not prevent her from doing things that she enjoys. We revisit the book periodically (every few weeks) when things seem to swell - but overall, I think that her success is remarkable. This is the best $9.00 you could spend if your child is dealing with anxiety.
  • I am a therapist and I LOVE this book. It's great as a therapeutic tool, but clear enough for parents to use with their children. Parents might even find some useful tools for themselves! Highly recommend for kids with anxiety - especially ones with physiological symptoms.
  • for all of you dealing with an anxious child, this book gives you a hand and the kids feel understood. When they realize they are not the only ones "worrying" half of the problem is already solved. The only thing I would add is that is for 7+ year old, could be a bit too complicated for younger ones