» Download The Necrophiliac Gabrielle Wittkop Don Bapst Books
Chandra Tran on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Download The Necrophiliac Gabrielle Wittkop Don Bapst Books
Product details - Paperback 91 pages
- Publisher ECW Press (May 1, 2011)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1550229435

The Necrophiliac Gabrielle Wittkop Don Bapst Books Reviews
- This made me feel sick. That's good. For someone who's a quite hardened pup when it comes to disturbing material, be that gore or weird sex, being actually affected by something is really special. I loved this book from beginning to end. Such a creepy subject matter turned into something so poetic and meaningful is rather amazing. Although I give it 5 stars, I can't say I'd recommend this to many people. Reason A is because I would actually feel awkward about recommending it to someone I know. Reason B is because I know well a mentally healthy person would drop it after the very first page (not kidding, there's stuff going even on the first page, it's quite surprising I must say). However, I did love it from beginning to end. I say it's my guilty pleasure, and in fact I feel sad that it was so short. Then again, desire is one of the topics covered in this, which leads me to say, "sometimes less is more." This book, for what it is, is perfect.
- Well... I'm giving this novella 4 stars because if you purchased it to learn more about what makes a necrophelliac tick, this surely gives you the variations and positions, etc. For that reason 4 stars; 1 star removed for trying to sell this as beautiful poetry...
As poetry... you can put lipstick on a pig and it will still be a pig. The book is written in diary form and tells the story of Lucien, an antique store owner who grave robs, takes the dead back to his apartment and has sex (lots of sex) with them until they become so putrid that they stink up his apartment...and him...then dumps them in the Seine. Sounds a little like a serial killer to me except that they are already dead.
He is not picky, he has no preference (man, woman, child, perfect, deformed) they need only be dead...he is a hedonist.
I had just finished reading "Undying Love " by Ben Harrison about Count Carl Von Cosel who preserved and slept with his dead true love for seven years before he was caught. That was an excellent story which told the reader what his motivations were and how they were accomplished. He was someone you could feel pity for...I felt none for Lucien; he felt none for his dead partners.
This book was just sleazy and cheesey trying to pass itself as poetry. If you're just curious about the hows of necrophilia this book covers it all. If you're looking for poetry look elsewhere. - I saw a couple reviews of this and each one talked it up a lot. How beautiful the writing is and how sad you can become over the character. How it makes you think about your own mortality, etc.
While I can agree with the beautiful and at times true poetry of rendered even through the disturbing accounts that are in this diarist like novella, I'm unsure about the depth of sadness and pity, along with the thoughts of mortality really project clearly.
The morbid humor from the character made me feel less sympathetic for him. It wasn't that it was just morbid, but it was at the same time often sleazy in my opinion. If there character was an average, humdrum heterosexual, he would still fall under the 'creep' category. Even the heart wrenching parts are not enough to redeem him for much pity.
The mortality thought, maybe in a roundabout way or simply for the fact that the book is entirely focused on death and once in awhile the thoughts the main character has could be no doubt thought of any other way than at least verge suicidal. I can see many other angles but I do not feel they came through nearly as well as the poetry and imagery of the author derived through her words.
It was interesting, If you are looking for something unusual, lonely, poetic, gothic, and disturbing psychologically and emotionally. The paperback book itself is very beautiful in it's own right with it's ruff paper jacket and eggshell, non-glossy appearance and it's slightly heavier than average pages... It is nice to look at and hold. - So disappointed with this book. I imagined it would be longer than 90 pages. It's not worth 15.00 it's worth only 5.00. I read all these great reviews and ordered it and it really wasn't that good.
- Very nicely written and entertaining. It's exciting but unfortunately short. There were two parts I absolutely hated and found disgusting, but the rest of the book was quite great
- Good book. Short and intoxicating. Beautifully colored phrases.
- Disturbingly interesting read. Will definitely recommend to my weirder friends. Be cautioned that this book explores many unpleasant things.
- If you like the macabre you were really going to like this book its really gruesome right from the first page and pretty much all the way through .The only downside it ends abruptly, it leaves you hanging!