» Read Eat to Lose Eat to Win Your GrabnGo Action Plan for a Slimmer Healthier You Rachel Beller 8937485907949 Books
Chandra Tran on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Read Eat to Lose Eat to Win Your GrabnGo Action Plan for a Slimmer Healthier You Rachel Beller 8937485907949 Books
Product details - Paperback 256 pages
- Publisher William Morrow; 1 edition (December 26, 2012)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0062231812

Eat to Lose Eat to Win Your GrabnGo Action Plan for a Slimmer Healthier You Rachel Beller 8937485907949 Books Reviews
- Very easy for someone to follow with pics and brand names to take the guesswork out of if you are picking something healthy and low in calories. Well done!!
- This book is great. As a public health person myself, it was SO refreshing to hear nutritional advice that is actually going to improve health! Most health books these days are written by celebrities or random bloggers who have managed to lose some weight. Their advice often includes processed foods and miracle pills. Thankfully, Rachel keeps it real- real advice and REAL food. While I don't completely agree with her food autopsies, her nutritional advice, portion information, calorie intake, protein GPS, increasing plant-based foods (while not having to be vegetarian), boosting fiber, etc. is all SPOT ON. I read the book in 1 day and have recommended it to several friends trying to lose weight (and have essentially emailed all the content to my mom while discussing health). Very highly recommended if you're serious about HEALTH (not just weight loss).
- This book is my go-to shopping guide, cookbook, and lifestyle tool. I don't go to the market without it. The book has inspired me to experiment with ingredients that I wouldn't usually consider using (i.e. hemp and chia seeds). I love to cook and found the recipes to be delicious! The photographs are fantastic and colorful. I especially appreciate the visuals when it comes to store-bought food. I am ecstatic that I don't have to write my own shopping list!!! My husband, sister and closest friends have lost weight with me after reading this... I have even been known to carry copies in my purse and hand them out To strangers. I really am obsessed!!! I recommend this book 100%!!!!
- This is a good guideline to follow one expert's plan to lose weight and follow a healthy diet. Her philosophy and goals are stated quite clearly and the recipes are simple and easy to follow. My one negative is that I wish there were more vegetarian options and, as a person with a number of food allergies, I would like to see some substitutions for those of us who are sensitive to foods such as grains or nuts.
- I saw Rachel Beller on a moring news program talking about her book. My wife and I watched Biggest Loser every week and noticed that you had to become a paid member to learn about what went on nutritionally for the contestants. I ordered the book the next day.
The book is an easy read, and the nutrition strategies make good, common sense. My wife and I are adding more fiber and veggies to our diets. We are hoping for some good results! - I like the information in the book so far but it sounds more like an infomercial for a juicer which I have no room for storage wise. Also, I prefer fruits and vegetables in their original form. I haven't gotten to the recipes yet but there will probably be some good ones for using vegetables.
- I'm impressed by this book. I bought it as an e-book but I think I'm going to buy the hard copy. There's so much useful information, but it's so well written that I read it like a novel. She's provided a very easy way to remember information, unlike a lot of health books that are so boring and technical you can't get through the first chapter. She's provided an entirely new way to look at food, in an easy way. I'm looking forward to applying her tips in my daily food choices. Thanks so much!
- I think it's a great book. Very practical easy to follow and informative. I love the fact that she gives you recipes that very easy
to make. I have tried several and they are great. Also, she provides illustrations that are very helpful in the amount of
food snacks you should have. She gives you visuals which is awesome. Pictures of the products she likes and the brands just
a great book. I've shared this book with my co-workers and they also loved it. I highly suggest this book. I think it's money well spent. Get one for you and one for a friend.