Read Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C Camosy 9780802874689 Books

Now in paperback! A terribly timely take on the polarized abortion debate
The abortion debate in the United States is confused. Ratings-driven media coverage highlights extreme views and creates the illusion that we are stuck in a hopeless stalemate. In this book (published in hardcover in March 2015) Charles Camosy argues that our polarized public discourse hides the fact that most Americans actually agree on the major issues at stake in abortion morality and law.
Unpacking the complexity of the abortion issue, Camosy shows that placing oneself on either side of the typical polarizations — pro-life vs. pro-choice, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican — only serves to further confuse the debate and limits our ability to have fruitful dialogue. Camosy then proposes a new public policy that he believes is consistent with the beliefs of the broad majority of Americans and supported by the best ideas and arguments about abortion from both secular and religious sources.
The abortion debate in the United States is confused. Ratings-driven media coverage highlights extreme views and creates the illusion that we are stuck in a hopeless stalemate. In this book (published in hardcover in March 2015) Charles Camosy argues that our polarized public discourse hides the fact that most Americans actually agree on the major issues at stake in abortion morality and law.
Unpacking the complexity of the abortion issue, Camosy shows that placing oneself on either side of the typical polarizations — pro-life vs. pro-choice, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican — only serves to further confuse the debate and limits our ability to have fruitful dialogue. Camosy then proposes a new public policy that he believes is consistent with the beliefs of the broad majority of Americans and supported by the best ideas and arguments about abortion from both secular and religious sources.
Read Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C Camosy 9780802874689 Books
"Really great analysis of the current abortion rights issue. Very thoughtful and well written."
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Tags : Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation [Charles C. Camosy] on . <DIV><I>Now in paperback! A terribly timely take on the polarized abortion debate</I><BR /><BR /> The abortion debate in the United States is confused. Ratings-driven media coverage highlights extreme views and creates the illusion that we are stuck in a hopeless stalemate. In this book (published in hardcover in March 2015) Charles Camosy argues that our polarized public discourse hides the fact that most Americans actually agree on the major issues at stake in abortion morality and law.<BR /><BR /> Unpacking the complexity of the abortion issue,Charles C. Camosy,Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation,Eerdmans,0802874681,Abortion Birth Control,Ethics Moral Philosophy,Abortion (Sociological Aspects),Ethics (General),PHILOSOPHY / Ethics Moral Philosophy,Philosophy,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Abortion Birth Control,abortion; politics; pro-life; pro-choice; prolife; prochoice; woman's right to choose; Roe v Wade; privacy; Supreme Court; SCOTUS; legislations; media; policy; Mother and Prenatal Child Protection Act; public opinion; Catholic moral theology; ethics; bioethics; fetus; personhood; argument; feminism; feminist; women's rights; Reproductive Justice; parent; mother; father; liberal; conservative; discourse; secular; human rights; reproductive rights; Casey; Planned Parenthood; pregnancy; trimester; morning after pill; contraception; Plan B; Ella
Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C Camosy 9780802874689 Books Reviews :
Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C Camosy 9780802874689 Books Reviews
- I read this book to discuss with a friend, against a deadline, and the first 30 pages went slowly. The topic is so discouraging and the prospect of learning anything seemed so low. At that point, I figured out how many pages per day I would have to read to be finished by the time I met my friend, and put the book down. But when I picked it up again and got to the sections on the moral status of the fetus and the options for public policy, I found the author’s points compelling and his statistics and case studies fascinating. I don’t agree with all of his conclusions, but I feel I could comfortably discuss them with people who had very different options from mine and still find common ground.
I do wish the author had given more space to psychological problems that can not only prevent women from consenting to sex but also delay recognition of pregnancy and even make a pregnancy dangerous for a woman and any children she already has – I think he dismisses psychological issues too easily. His constant disparagement of corporations is also a little too easy – most women find more support for a pregnancy in the policies of American corporations than in the policies of the American government. In fact, the importance of subsidized universal day care could have been mentioned more prominently, more often, and in more detail.
Nevertheless, this is a valuable book and makes for absorbing reading. It is important for the author’s painstaking research, excellent presentation, and open approach to the problem in a way that encourages further thought and further discussion. - Beyond the Abortion Wars A Way Forward for a New Generation by Charles C. Camosy attempts to break down the divisive all or nothing form of public and political debate on abortion, address the nuances and come to a compromise position suitable for the vast majority. This commendable goal is not achieved in this ambitious book, though I don't believe it was for lack of honest effort.
While Camosy tries to avoid the hardline dichotomies that rule abortion debates (liberal/conservative, secular/religious, etc) he never fully leaves behind the secular vs religious type of argument. Additionally, the part of the compromise that might be considered as the right/Republican compromise calls for the types of assistance and security that should be in place regardless of any position on abortion. In exchange, the pro-choice side is supposed to pretty much capitulate on abortion.
While he proposes legislation that would indeed help women and children (which shouldn't be tied to abortion but done simply because it is the right thing to do) he does not believe that re-criminalization of abortion would negatively impact women. Historically, abortions will take place whether they are legal or not. Those with money will find a save avenue while those desperate will go back to, both figuratively and literally, the coat hanger. In other words, many of the women who get an abortion, particularly those who are financially unable or are afraid to let their fellow churchgoers know, risk serious injury and death. That would seem to me to be a negative impact.
I do believe that Camosy sincerely tried to argue both sides but his background and own strong background makes it difficult to fully argue the points of most pro-choice advocates. Not to mention that the law is not religious but is secular. If I believe based on science that life does not begin at conception and I also know the Bible does not dispute this, then my belief system does not stand in the way of an abortion because it is not, by any rational standard, murder or "taking an innocent life" as many like to claim. Since medical science agrees, then the law (again, this is not religious law that governs the land but civil/secular law) should allow abortions. Those whose belief systems are less rational and don't take into account medical science are free to not get an abortion even if a result of rape or accidental or unable to support a child.
While I obviously do not agree with the "compromise" put forth nor do I believe the information presented was entirely accurate and most certainly poorly expressed on the side of pro-choice, I still think this book should be read by most people regardless of where they stand. This is an attempt to do more than repeat slogans from either end of the debate spectrum and acknowledges that many positions are not as strongly grounded as many believe. As an early attempt to get beyond demonizing those on the other side (no matter which side) it is a good start. I believe it falls short but it opens the dialogue.
Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. - Groundbreaking. Camosy may perhaps be the first to address the abortion debate head on, including multiple agendas that fuel the divide. He writes with insight and clarity, and draws from multiple perspectives while citing statistics. He does not write for the convinced/opinionated reader, nor does he write with religious fervor beyond logic. I feel hopeful for those who read this book. I've been in search for moderation within the abortion debate, and this may be it.
- Professor Camosy's excellent analysis of the abortion wars is based on years of conversations with students from all sides of the political debate which explains why his book has great value in proposing a practical legislative solution to the abortion impasse.
- Really great analysis of the current abortion rights issue. Very thoughtful and well written.
- On time; as described; satisfied!
- This book is not for the feint of heart who wish to read "doctrine" about this issue, whatever "side" one espouses. If you pick up this book be prepared for thought! Dr. Camosy presents his arguments in a very readable manner but this is not light reading. His position is based on carefully reasoned arguments that have roots in solid philosophy and theology. The goal is to find common ground on which to address the issues. You may ultimately disagree with Dr. Camosy's conclusions but in doing so you will be called upon to reason and form a position based on solid arguments and not slogans and emotional appeals. This work is a courageous foray into a morass of emotional issues based on tenuous reasoning with the goal of providing an orderly platform on which to come together for deep thought and discussion. If you wish to collect "ammunition" for your political agenda look elsewhere. If you want clarity that will allow firm foundations for a rational and moral position on this issue read on!