PDF Le Roi Du Sang Tiana Laveen 9781796501667 Books

By Chandra Tran on Thursday, April 18, 2019

PDF Le Roi Du Sang Tiana Laveen 9781796501667 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 452 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (February 9, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1796501662

Le Roi Du Sang Tiana Laveen 9781796501667 Books Reviews

  • I have read many vampire stories and each has been unique. Le Roi Du Sang was unique in the sense that the author didn't try to lessen how cruel, evil, and diabolical vampires can be. Most vampire romances try to hook the reader by making the vampire seem like a hero and by implying that vampires are misunderstood. But the author of this story didn't try to portray Alexandre as someone who didn't want to be a vampire or someone who was loving and kind. Alexandre was ruthless, diabolical, scary, and much more. When he chose his mate, I thought he would soften up, but no, he was still vicious.

    You may be wondering from my statement above how could Le Roi Du Sang be a love story? Well, Venus made this story about love. She was not as hardened as Alexandre. She was still able to see the beauty in life and that is what helped him to mellow out when it came to her. He began to see that she was more than just a woman who would be his bride. In other words, she became more than a business transaction for him. He began to see her unique qualities; thus, he fell in love with her. Her love did not change his diabolical ruthless nature, I think it actually enhanced it, which made the story even more interesting.

    There were several other ways that the story was different from other vampire stories, but you will have to read Le Roi Du Sang for yourself to find out.
  • A turned slave vamp and a Pure Blood king. A match made in blood soaked heaven. Alexandre has been waiting on his queen for years, unwilling to share his life, seed and kingdom with just any vamp to satisfy the whims of the Vampire Council. He wants what’s been promised to him, his Reine du Sang.

    Venus has been hiding in plain sight, blending in with the humans of the world, still desperately hanging on the the threads of humanity even as she slinks under the cloak of darkness, hunting to feed the blood lust of the vamp she became over 100 years ago. All the while she has no idea that she is being hunted by her destiny.

    When the two soulless souls meet, they turn each other’s worlds upside down. Alexandre, even as he teaches his bride the stark, dark ways of a warrior queen, finds himself being brought to life by the vibrant woman that has been long foretold to be his forever. Venus brings a brightness and buoyancy to her king, and the new found friends that are now a part of her reality. This book is unlike any other vampire tale I’ve come across. You won’t want the story to end.
  • This is the baddest of the bad....Le Roi Du Sang is the vampire that who other vampires are afraid of....he is Master of all things go boo in the dark....Anne Rice Lestat should take lessons from Le Roi Alexandre Marseille...lessons on how the baddest Mofo on the block earns the title...he's sexy beast....waiting for centuries to claim his true mate...slaying with a vengeance...fu(king with vengeance mix with fury...until Venus appears....and a fine specimen she is...born into slavery...rescued from degradation and groomed to become the most powerful vampire Queen....it unapologetically exquisite....Tianna Leveen's first vampire story is brilliant....raw....beautiful and I am so happy to be fan girl follower..
  • Loved this story! Laveen has delivered again. Fantastic storyline, great characters and terrific scene setting! There are plenty of vampire stories out there, but none that captures the African American trauma and drama, quite like this one. I will say it over and over again, this amazing author delivers 500% every time! Got damn!
  • I love any and all things vampire, so when I saw this, from Ms. Laveen, I knew I'd be in supernatural bliss. Sexy is not a strong enough word to describe Alexandre and Venus. They were beautiful together, like they were made for each other. I enjoyed his slightly thuggish ways. For a lawyer/vampire, he had swag for days. Venus was lovable and good hearted from day one. The fact that she managed to stay that way, even after hundreds of years, spoke volumes about her true nature. Whiskey is a wonderful character too, and I hope he gets his HEA. Great storyline with lots of action, drama, violence and sex, everything that makes vampire stories (well written ones) yummy!
  • I have several books from this author and have never been disappointed. This book was GREAT. I don't like to give away the story in a book. All I can say is this book is a MUST READ. This book was so good that I could not put it down. I started reading this last night and could not put it down I just finished it this morning. Please tell me you are going to give Whiskey his own story.
  • I know that it’s not uncommon for authors to step out of their genres to try their hand at something new, but this was surprising and unfortunately, lacking from her typical style. The storyline, or set up was good, but if I’m going to be honest it also could’ve been a lot better. The dialogue seemed forced and dare I say, sometimes juvenile. And the climatic scenes were lacking something. There just should’ve been more. This is in no way me trying to compare this paranormal to any other book, although I have read many. No, in this case, there was no sign of build up. The story was to fast paced. It was missing necessary or expected growth. Truly, it was absolutely chaotic, and hard to keep up with the ever changing personalities of the characters until the latter part of the book. I will say that the basic outline of the story was good. This was a good try, but compared to previous books by this author, which I absolutely adore, I was disappointed in the final product.
  • I liked the concept of the story but I felt like it was all over the place. It rushed in the beginning and then it just ran from there. Overall the story was decent but definitely needed some more in between.