Read Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim Natalie Shainess 9780671546359 Books

Describes the symptoms of masochism, explains why its victims are predominantly women, and gives advice on leading a more assertive and fulfilling life
Read Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim Natalie Shainess 9780671546359 Books
"As a professional counselor I have recommended this book to many of my clients since it first appeared. They have consistently told me that Sweet Suffering has clearly and effectively described the patterns of communication and interaction with others that set us up to become unwitting victims in relationships. Also included is a powerful section called "Digging Out" which gives the tools needed to overcome these self-sabotaging habits. I wish this book would be reprinted.It's truly a classic! In my personal top ten!!!"
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Tags : Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim [Natalie Shainess] on . Describes the symptoms of masochism, explains why its victims are predominantly women, and gives advice on leading a more assertive and fulfilling life,Natalie Shainess,Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim,Pocket Books,067154635X,388978,General,Masochism.,Mental health.,Women;Health and hygiene.,Health Fitness,Health Fitness / General,Health/Fitness,Masochism,Mental health,Women,Psychology
Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim Natalie Shainess 9780671546359 Books Reviews :
Sweet Suffering Woman As Victim Natalie Shainess 9780671546359 Books Reviews
- "Sweet Suffering", by Dr.Shainess, is anything but sweet. The book chronicles the etiology of Masochism and its structure of defense. If you are looking for excitement, adventure, joy, or romance, you won't find them here. What you will find is a fine tuned description of a personality disorder which wreaks havoc on the lives of those who suffer from it. Masochism is a debilitating disorder for many reasons. Dr.Shainess provides numerous case histories and examples from personal experience. Her goal is to alert the reader to the multifaceted ways the masochist undermines her own best interests over and over again, reinforcing the very pathology that initiated her turmoil. Within the context of a disturbed and disturbing, mother-daughter matrix, we discover that the tools needed for a mature adjustment are deformed in an effort by the child to avert further rejection. A pleasing facade covers over and over again, the true spirit of a child whose only flaw is her humanity. Cold, indifferent, hostile, rejecting, neglectful, angry, you can choose your poison. Dr. Shainess does a superb job in serving up to us the numerous ways the 'food' of deception and betrayal are administered by those who wield the power. Writing beautifully about a not so beautiful topic, is an art, and Dr. Shainess is an artist. She brings you a microscopic view of the subtleties of the sado-masochistic dynamic. Through her lens you can see for yourself how pathology is perpetuated by denial and repression. Rather than developing a sense of trust (Basic Trust) fear and depression become pervasive. The infantile core of the personality is damaged. Fear, loneliness, helplessness and depression result. Dr. Shainess wants to liberate the sufferer from the torment stemming from her early history and she does this effectively by simply telling us the truth.
- The author is an expert on self-defeating personality disorder, and makes a good case for bundling varied symptoms such as fear, anxiety, self-absorbtion, low self-esteem, and depression under this diagnosis. She devotes each chapter to a different aspect of this disorder (its linguistic expression, its causation, its appearance in literature and film, its effect on interpersonal and work relationships). She explains why SDPD is an elective, maladaptive behavior, and how having chosen it, one can reject it. A couple of the chapters, such as the one on self-defense and the one on the psychology of the victimizer, seemed to stray a little far afield, but overall it was a tautly presented argument. The chapters on the linguistic defenses and interpersonal relations of an SDPD sufferer were particularly fascinating.
Throughout the book, Dr. Shainess offers concrete examples and advice. Unlike many self-help authors, she is not glib and offers no panacea. The book is well researched with a lengthy bibliography and does not talk down to the reader. The author is realistic about the seriousness and pervasiveness of the problem, and the necessity of long hard work if it is to be overcome. Despite its prevalence in women, the author has also treated male SDPD patients, and several of her examples draw on these experiences. I would recommend this book to anyone who struggles with issues of self-esteem and assertiveness. - As a professional counselor I have recommended this book to many of my clients since it first appeared. They have consistently told me that Sweet Suffering has clearly and effectively described the patterns of communication and interaction with others that set us up to become unwitting victims in relationships. Also included is a powerful section called "Digging Out" which gives the tools needed to overcome these self-sabotaging habits. I wish this book would be reprinted.It's truly a classic! In my personal top ten!!!